The things you should never do in new survival games 2021

What are some of the most important things you should never do in new survival games 2021? What is your number one tip for surviving these games? In this article, we are going to share everything about the new survival games 2021.
1. Don’t forget to eat and drink
If you forget to eat and drink in new survival games 2021, you will lose all of your health and die. Hunger is a meter that can decrease with time or by using certain items such as corn on the cob, bread, apple pie, etc.. Thirst decreases with time but can also be decreased by drinking coffee cups and glasses of water.
2. Don’t run around without your gas mask and air filtration system on! You WILL suffocate and die!
When you first spawn in new survival games 2021, you will be given a gas mask and an air filtration system. If you are to take off your mask for any reason, make sure there are no toxic gases in the air! If there is, you will suffocate and die.
3. Don’t forget to make a shelter as soon as possible!
You should never go into new survival games 2021 without making a shelter or even anything at all. There are zombies that roam around these maps within the first few minutes of gameplay, and if you don’t make a shelter to protect yourself, you will be eaten alive. Make sure it has high walls to block zombies and close doors for safety!
4. Don’t forget to grab your backpack ASAP
When you spawn in new survival games 2021, there is an item called the backpack that contains many items such as blueprints, melee weapons, guns, med kits, etc. without this backpack you are left with very little to survive on! This is not advised because it will make the game harder for you
5. Avoid all large towns and cities
This tip goes along with the previous tip: Do NOT go into any large town or city in new survival games 2021. Zombies are rampant in these locations and will kill you almost instantly if you’re not prepared with weapons, food, shelter, etc.. This is not advised.
6. Beware of other survivors!
This tip goes along with the previous tips: Do NOT trust any other survivor that spawns near you because they could be rogues or bandits who will try to kill you and steal your items. This is not advised.
7. Make sure you get a good place to spawn
When starting new survival games 2021, make sure you know where your spawn location is! If it’s in the ocean or in the barren dessert, make sure you go back there only when absolutely necessary because food and water is scarce and hard to find when starting off in these locations. This is not advised.
8. Make sure you don’t get killed by other players!
This tip goes along with the previous tips: When playing new survival games 2021, make sure you do not invade any houses or areas that another player currently owns because they could be there! This is not advised.
9. Don’t forget to put your gas mask and air filtration system back on when necessary!
If you take off your gas mask or air filter for any reason, make sure you put it back on as soon as possible because there is toxic gas in the area which will kill you instantly if inhaled. This is not advised.
10. Make sure you eat and drink as soon as possible after your hunger or thirst becomes critical!
If you have low food and water supplies, make sure you eat and drink immediately to replace what was lost before going on a quest or leaving the area so that you don’t die for nothing! This is not advised.
11. Avoid radioactive areas such as power plants and nuclear reactors!
When starting new survival games 2021, make sure you avoid any place that emits radiation or toxic gas because it is very hazardous for your health and will kill you within seconds of exposure! This is not advised.
12. Don’t run around without shoes on! You WILL die of frostbite and will lose lots of health!
When you first spawn in new survival games 2021, make sure you take your shoes off and don’t run around without them on. If you do this, then your feet will get extremely cold very fast which will lead to serious blood loss. And eventually death from the lack of warmth from your feet! This is not advised.
13. Don’t trust any other survivors you meet with food or water to spare!
If another survivor offers you some of their food or water, don’t take it unless you are starving because they will kill you the second after to get all your supplies for themselves! This is not advised.
new survival games 2021 can be a very unforgiving game if you don’t play it right. Make sure you follow these tips so that your first play through isn’t lonesome and riddled with death after death! This is not advised.